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Tests are set up with Jest framework.

All tests can be triggered from top-level repository structure.


API Server integration test and some unit tests interacts with database, so be sure to set up empty testing databases and __tests__/.env-test file correctly. See below for more details.

Tests are always located in __tests__ folder in each app or package and use following directory structure convention. __tests__ folder for apps has unit and integration subfolders as it will most likely have more then unit tests. While unit tests for packages are located directly in __tests__.

├─ apps
│  └─ {application}
│     └─ __tests__
│        ├─ unit
│           └─ my-function1.spec.ts
│        └─ integration
│           └─ my-function2.spec.ts
├─ packages
   └─ {package}
      └─ __tests__
        └─ my-function3.spec.ts

Unit tests

Use following commands to run unit tests across repository and trigger tests in __tests__ folders and __tests__/unit folders for packages and apps, respectively. Jest will search for all files with .spec.ts extension.

pnpm test:unit

pnpm test:unit:watch

Integration tests

Integration tests can be run with following commands. At the moment, there are API Server and Portal integration tests, so it re-triggers the app internal command.

pnpm test:integration

API Server

To run unit and integration tests on your local machine, start by copying your .env file to __tests__/.env-test.

Make sure to edit the .env-test file and change the database settings to point to test databases instead of your normal development ones. The foods and system test databases should be empty databases with the necessary extensions (e.g., uuid-ossp) installed.


Do not run any tests unless you're sure that the database configuration settings in the .env-test file are correct because the test framework setup code will destroy all data in those databases!

If using the development VM, simply copy __tests__/.env-test-dev-vm to __tests__/.env-test and you're good to go.

Backend testing is set up for unit and integration tests. You can run tests with following commands.

Unit tests

pnpm test:unit

Unit tests watch for development

pnpm test:unit:watch

Integration tests

pnpm test:integration

Integration tests watch for development

pnpm test:integration:watch

Admin & Survey apps

Front-ends use Vue.js Jest implementation, so you can run tests with:

pnpm test