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Import database snapshots

If you have a DB snapshots of Intake24, you can use CLI to import to the database server.


PostgreSQL is running on the standard port 5432.

The Intake24 databases are:

  • System database: intake24_system, user intake24, no password.
  • Foods database: intake24_foods, user intake24, no password.

Importing foods and system databases


Note: The scripts in this sessions aimed for setup PostgreSQL for Intake24 local development purpose only.

  1. Export PostgresQL username password and host name to local development environment.
export PGUSER='postgres'
export PGPASSWORD='postgres'
export PGHOST="localhost"
  1. Create a user in Postgres called intake24 with password intake24
psql -d postgres -c "CREATE ROLE intake24 WITH PASSWORD 'intake24' LOGIN;"
  1. Create DB intake24_foods and add extensions
createdb --owner=intake24 intake24_foods
psql -d intake24_foods -c "create extension btree_gist"
psql -d intake24_foods -c "create extension \"uuid-ossp\""
  1. Import snapshot file to DB intake24_foods
pg_restore -n public --no-owner --no-acl --role=intake24 --dbname intake24_foods ./intake24-foods-snapshot.pgcustom

Change the path of the snapshot file as needed, e.g. intake24-foods-snapshot.pgcustom

  1. Create DB intake24_system
createdb --owner=intake24 intake24_system
  1. Import snapshot file to DB intake24_system.
pg_restore -n public --no-owner --no-acl --role=intake24 --dbname intake24_system ./intake24-system-snapshot.pgcustom

Change the path of the snapshot file as needed, e.g. intake24-system-snapshot.pgcustom

  1. Login to intake24_system using PSQL, and insert admin user (e.g., or any email you prefer) to users table.

Write down return user id. It will be useful in the next step.

psql -d intake24_system

insert into users (id, "name", email, phone, simple_name, email_notifications, sms_notifications, multi_factor_authentication, created_at, updated_at, verified_at, disabled_at) values (default, 'Admin', '', '', 'Admin', true, true, false, now(), now(), now(), null) returning id;
(1 row)
  1. Go to the apps/cli directory in the source tree and run
pnpm run cli hash-password [your password]

Replace [your password] to the password you want.

  1. Replace [hash] and [salt] with the password hash and salt generated, and insert to user by id.
insert into user_passwords (user_id, password_hash, password_salt, password_hasher) values (11969, '[hash]', '[salt]', 'bcrypt');
  1. Give this user id superuser permissions:
insert into role_user (role_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at) values (1, 11969, now(), now());

By that you created admin test account in development database.