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Development using Docker

The more preferred approach is to use OCL-compatible platform like Docker to deploy and run the database systems needed to run Intake24 development.

Using containers to deploy databases allow you to run Intake24 development environment in local using less resource. The init script run along with docker compose script will create the sample databases and schemas in PostgreSQL for you. However, here we also provide steps to import data of foods and system databaes by yourself.


Intake24 provided docker-compose.yml. Once you have installed compatible container platform (Intake24 uses Docker), you can navigate to /docker folder and execute docker compose script by

docker compose up -d

After that, you should have PostgreSQL and Redis server set to bind with corresponding host ports (5432 to PostgreSQL, 6379 to Redis)


The script may fail if you have existing services running on these ports

Once it is completed, you can use the redis-cli to connect to and test the Redis server, e.g. using PING command. This should return PONG if the connection is successful.


The PostgreSQL server log can be found in:

docker logs <postgres-container-name>

Replace <postgres-container-name> by the postgreSQL container id.