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Survey schemes

Survey recall flow is defined by scheme, which has couple of sections.


Detail tab displays selected survey scheme info.

Create / Edit

Edit tab allows to modify selected survey scheme.

  • Name - survey-scheme-wide unique name

  • Visibility - Record visibility, valid options are public or restricted (record visibility).


  • Type - Placeholder at the moment for future to allow to define various types of survey schemes

  • Flow - Recall flow, valid options are 1-pass or 2-pass (default)

    • 1-pass - Flow goes through each meal including foods portion size estimation in order to complete the meal
    • 2-pass - Flow goes through each meal two times
      • first pass - Flow goes through each meal to collect meal info and foods (without portion size estimation)
      • second pass - Flow goes through each meal to collect portion size estimation
  • Recall date offset - Recall date offset in whole days

    • empty - survey won't record recall date
    • integer - survey records recall date with specified offset from start of survey (e.g. -1 for yesterday)
    • Respondent can override / nominate their own recall date if recall date prompt is included in the scheme
  • Languages - Languages participants can select to complete the survey in

Default meals

List of predefined meals that will appear at the start of the recall.

Section allows to:

  • Create new meals with default time and localized name
  • Remove meals
  • Load whole meal list from different scheme
  • Reset the list to default one


Prompts tab allows to design dietary survey recall flow and define details about each prompt asked.

Prompts are categorized to sections and they are asked in specified fixed order. See table below.

1. Pre-mealPrompts asked about whole recall before dietary data entered
2. Pre-foodsPrompts asked about meal before foods were entered
3. FoodsPrompts asked about the foods
4. Post-foodsPrompts asked about meal after foods were entered
5. Post-mealPrompts asked about whole recall after dietary data
6. SubmissionPrompts asked during data submissions

Whole prompt sections group can be loaded from another scheme using load from scheme button.

When prompt section is selected, list of prompts appear below:

  • New prompts can be added
  • Prompts can be removed
  • List of prompts can be re-arranged by drag & drop
  • Prompt can be loaded from template defined in scheme prompts section
  • Prompt can be saved as template if it doesn't exist yet (determined by unique prompt id)
  • Prompt's settings can be synced from template if it exists (determined by unique prompt id)

Data export

Data export tab allows to define fields, which will get exported to flattened CSV file having food-per-row with all additional fields.

Data export fields are grouped to sections.

User record fieldsusers table row based fields
User custom fieldskey:value pairs from user_custom_fields table
Survey record fieldssurveys table row based fields
Submission record fieldssurvey_submissions table row based fields
Submission custom fieldskey:value pairs from survey_submission_custom_fields table
Meal record fieldssurvey_submission_meals table row based fields
Meal custom fieldskey:value pairs from survey_submission_meal_custom_fields table
Food record fieldssurvey_submission_foods and survey_submission_missing_foods table row based fields
Food custom fieldskey:value pairs from survey_submission_food_custom_fields table
Food composition fieldskey:value pairs from nutrient_table_records_fields table
Food nutrient fieldsnutrient_types table row based fields
Portion size fieldskey:value pairs from survey_submission_portion_size_fields table
External source fieldssurvey_submission_external_sources table row based fields

Sections can be re-arranged by drag & drop and they will appear accordingly in export file.

Each section can be edited. Screen is divided in half to show included fields on left and available fields for inclusion on right.

Each field has:

  • Field ID - unique field identifier to internal link the data
  • Field label - customizable CSV column header in export file

User record fields

  • userId - unique user identifier, sequence number
  • name - user name
  • simpleName - transformed user name, stripped off any diacritic / accent characters
  • email - user email
  • phone - user phone number

User custom fields

User custom fields are key-value pairs, set up during respondent account creation.

Survey record fields

  • surveyId - unique survey identifier, sequence number
  • username - survey-unique respondent identifier attached to both user and survey record (aka user survey alias)
  • slug - unique survey slug (code), which forms part of the survey URL (aka{SLUG}/recall)

Submission record fields

  • submissionId - unique submission identifier, UUIDv4
  • recallDate - client-recorded recall date, ISO 8601 format
  • startTime - client-recorded recall start time, ISO 8601 format
  • endTime - client-recorded recall end time, ISO 8601 format
  • submissionTime - server-recorded submission time, ISO 8601 format
  • recallDuration - recall duration in mins (calculated value endTime - startTime, truncate-rounded)
  • userAgent - client device raw user agent header
  • browser - client device browser name (user-agent parsed)
  • engine - client device browser engine name (user-agent parsed)
  • device - client device name (user-agent parsed)
  • os - client device operating system name (user-agent parsed)
  • cpu - client device CPU architecture (user-agent parsed)

Submission custom fields

Submission-level custom data collected during the recall.

  • Field ID is the unique Prompt ID set up in scheme prompts section

Meal record fields

  • mealIndex - zero-based meal index in the recall generated during data-export based on sorted meal time
  • mealId - unique meal identifier, UUIDv4
  • name - meal name
  • time - meal time (HH:mm)
  • duration - meal duration (mins)

Meal custom fields

Meal-level custom data collected during the recall.

  • Field ID is the unique Prompt ID set up in scheme prompts section

Food record fields

Contains encoded food and missing food records data

Common fields

  • foodIndex - zero-based food index within a meal (includes encoded food and missing food records)
  • parentId - unique food identifier of parent food, UUIDv4

Food record fields

  • foodId - unique food identifier, UUIDv4
  • code - Food code
  • englishName - Food name (English)
  • localName - Food name (local)
  • readyMeal - Flag indicating if food is ready meal
  • searchTerm - Search term used to find the food
  • reasonableAmount - Flag indicating if food amount is reasonable
  • foodGroupId - Food group identifier, sequence number
  • foodGroupEnglishName - Food group name (English)
  • foodGroupLocalName - Food group name (local)
  • brand - Food brand
  • barcode - Food barcode
  • nutrientTableId - Nutrient table identifier
  • nutrientTableCode - Nutrient table code

Missing Food record fields

  • missingId - unique missing food identifier, UUIDv4
  • missingName - Missing food name
  • missingBrand - Missing food brand
  • missingBarcode - Missing food barcode
  • missingDescription - Missing food description
  • missingPortionSize - Missing food portion size
  • missingLeftovers - Missing food leftovers

Food custom fields

Food-level custom data collected during the recall.

  • Field ID is the unique Prompt ID set up in scheme prompts section

Food composition fields

List of available food composition fields from nutrient table

Food nutrient fields

List of available nutrient type fields

Portion size fields

List of portion size fields based on collection portion size methods

  • portion - Stringified whole portion size object
  • portionMethod - Portion size method ID
  • portionWeight - Calculated portion weight (servingWeight - leftoversWeight)
  • servingWeight - Food weight in grams
  • leftoversWeight - Leftovers weight in grams

External source fields

List of external source fields. Data can be collected from multiple sources, so Field IDs are in format {source}:{field}.

  • {source}:id - unique external source identifier, UUIDv4
  • {source}:source - source identifier (e.g. 'open-food-facts')
  • {source}:searchTerm - unique external source identifier, UUIDv4
  • {source}:type - selection type ('selected' | 'missing')
  • {source}:data - json serialized external source data
  • {source} - dot-notation json path to extract field value