Versioning system
Intake24 uses a hybrid versioning system based on Calendar Versioning (CalVer) and Semantic Versioning (semver).
Version numbers generally follow the Semantic Versioning principles with the following exceptions:
- Major version is the year of the release in YYYY format
- Minor version starts at 1 instead of 0
Version numbers follow the format
YYYY is the year of the release using the four-digit format,
MINOR is the sequential number of a feature release in the corresponding year. "Feature release" means a major release adding new features or functionality or significant changes to existing features.
PATCH is the sequential number of a bug fix release. "Bug fix release" means a release focused on fixing issues with existing features without adding new functionality.
Year increments
Bug fix releases are always associated with a specific feature release (i.e., YYYY.MINOR) and the year should never be incremented when releasing bug fix versions, even if a bug fix release occurs in a later year.
2022.1.0 — first feature release of 2022,
2022.2.3 — third bug fix for the second feature release of 2022,
2022.4.1 — a bug fix release for the final, fourth feature release of 2022 that could be released in 2023.
Pre-release versions
Pre-release versions follow the Semantic Versioning system:
A pre-release version MAY be denoted by appending a hyphen and a series of dot separated identifiers immediately following
the patch version.
2022.1.0-beta — initial beta release of the first feature release in 2022,
2022.1.0-beta.4 — fourth update of the 2022.1.0 beta.