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PostgreSQL is primary database engine and API Server is using mixture of two abstractions:

While intake24 is primarly developed / tested on PostgreSQL, both sequelize and kysely support most common database engine dialects, so can potentially be used.


Older version (v3) has been written only for Postgres and there might still be few PostgreSQL specifics that needs to be ported to dialect-agnostic code. Please reach Intake24 dev team for more details if you require to use different database engine.

Intake24 system has two main databases:

  • foods - contains all foods related data (e.g. foods, food groups, nutrients, etc.)
  • system - contains all system related data (e.g. users, permissions, roles, feedback schemes, surveys, etc.)

Database migrations

Database migrations are being handled by sequelize-cli.

Migrate system database

Migration commands can be being executed either from project root or packages/db directory.

pnpm db:system:migrate

# shorthand for

pnpm sequelize db:migrate --options-path sequelize/system/options.js

Migrate foods database

pnpm db:foods:migrate

# shorthand for

pnpm sequelize db:migrate --options-path sequelize/foods/options.js

Upgrade guide

Intake24 V3 to V4 upgrade guide (WIP)

Migrate databases

Use most up-to-date V3 foods and system databases to run the migrations.

  1. Migrate system database
pnpm db:system:migrate
  1. Migrate foods database
pnpm db:foods:migrate


Depending on size of the databases, migration process can take from seconds to minutes. Both databases are being upgraded to use int8 instead of int4, which takes most of the time.

If you run into query timeout issues, you will have to increase the limits in sequelize config file (packages/db/sequelize/{foods|system}/config.js).


Run the migration in specified order per above.

Some of the system database migrations are using foods database data (e.g. feedback data conversion into feedback-schemes) and eventually V3 old tables are dropped. Running the migrations in wrong order will fail.

Seed databases with relevant data

Some of V3 data are being moved to database. To get this data into the database, run relevant seeders.

Standard units

Standard units are being moved from V3 translation files to database. To seed the database with V3 source code standard units, run the following command:

cd packages/db

pnpm sequelize db:seed --seed v3-standard-units.js --options-path sequelize/foods/options.js

Recipe foods

Recipe foods are being moved from V3 translation files to database. To seed the database with V3-like data, run the following command:

cd packages/db

pnpm sequelize db:seed --seed v3-recipe-foods.js --options-path sequelize/foods/options.js

System database clean-up

Truncate all tables except sequelize_meta


Seed ACL data

cd packages/db

pnpm sequelize db:seed --seed populate-acl.js --options-path sequelize/system/options.js


Seeder truncates all permissions / roles / users tables with CASCADE.

Seeder will create:

  • creates all available permissions
  • creates superuser role with all permissions assigned
  • creates admin user with superuser role assigned


admin user is being created with admin password.

After first login:

  1. Change password
  2. Set own email in order to restore password in future

Copy over duplicated food data

WIP - to be automated

  1. food_index_language_backends - all language codes in food_index_language_backend_id column of locales table need to be created
  2. languages - all language codes that are present in locales table record need to be created
  3. locales
  4. nutrient_units - copy over all records from nutrient_units table
  5. nutrient_types - copy over all records from nutrient_types table